Equitable Democracy

“You can’t be what you can’t see.”

-Marian Wright Edelman

Regardless of how we feel about politics and government, both play a vital role in our futures, from our education, to our healthcare, to our housing.

Right now, we are facing a trust deficit.

Our politics and government do not reflect us as a population. The Foundations for Tomorrow Awareness to Action report found that only 4% of young Australians have absolute confidence in our current approach to solving global challenges. 34% of young Australians report their confidence level at or below 4/10.

Young women and gender diverse people are less likely to be represented in these institutions, and are less likely to identify as leaders (source: Plan International She Can Lead report, 2017).

Young women and gender diverse persons deserve to have a say in their future, and to influence the world they will inherit. We’re making this happen.

Do you want input from young women or gender diverse people for a policy or issue you’re considering? Get in touch with us today.

See something?

Say something.

Is there a pressing issue affecting the representation of women and gender diverse people in your network, media, parliament or public life?

Share your story, ask your question or just vent to us about how we need to get the point across.